I often get asked how to know if you are wearing too many crystals, if they cancel each other out and what are bad crystal combinations?! This blog post was born to address that and how to ensure you have more powerful crystal combinations.
Crystals that Don’t Work Together:
I believe that with the right intention all crystals can work together and in general, all crystals do work together.
Something to keep in mind for crystal combinations: some crystal combinations may not work well if you are particularly emotional or sad. It’s important to be self-aware when you’re working with your stones for healing or not. In this instance and as a general guideline, I wouldn’t recommend the following crystals:
- Malachite because it is a powerful crystal that is also known to amplify all kinds of energy so it can leave you feeling lower in the dumps. It is said to make the highs very high and the lows very low.
- Clear quartz as it is an amplifier. You may find yourself feeling lower because it is amplifying your low energy.
- Cooler colored, light blue stones because these crystals can bring energy down instead of energising. If you’re feeling down, the last thing you want is to feel more down so be mindful of that.
This can differ for many people so it isn’t set in stone. It is only a guideline. Many people find that clear quartz boosts their energy and makes them happy even if they are feeling low. The same can be said for malachite and many other stones!
It’s important to take note of how your crystal make you feel and how they impact your mood!
Powerful Crystal Combinations when Wearing Crystals:
If you are wearing too many for your energetic body, you will know.
Here’s what you may experience:
- You will feel off and that something isn’t right but you haven’t changed much.
- Feeling uncomfortable, sluggish or tired.
- Snapping at loved ones or anyone in general so you’re more irritable or edgy than usual.
I know it’s “on fleek” to nicely layer 6 crystal necklaces around your neck or carry that many around with you. I’ve been there too! When you do this, sometimes you can feel as if you’re carrying bricks around and that is a bad crystal combination. If you notice you’re feeling any of the above ways, wear LESS crystals or change the combination to determine which is too much for you. You also want to actively GROUND your energy on a regular basis by getting outdoors, meditating with a mandala or grounding crystal.
You can definitely wear or carry powerful crystal combinations, but it doesn’t mean you need to have a huge amount of them. Less is more when it come to crystals – not always, but usually.
Working out Powerful Crystal Combinations:
Something important to take into consideration with your crystals is as HibiscusMoon says: “You’ve got to ask yourself what are you trying to achieve here?“
Her example is fantastic: Carnelian boosts energy whereas Blue Lace Agate calms energy down so they would cancel each other out because it sends a confused signal out into the Universe, i.e. you don’t know if you want to boost or calm the energy.
The above crystal combination is pointless unless you have a specific intention behind the combination, e.g. carnelian to boost creative energy and blue lace agate to promote better communication. That’s why intention is very important for powerful crystal combinations when using them for your healing journey because remember, all crystals do work well together generally.
A common question I receive is: “Can I wear my INSERT CRYSTAL NAME HERE and INSERT OTHER CRYSTAL NAME HERE together?” – And the short answer is in this post: what are you trying to achieve with your rocks? Intention always first! All crystals can work together BUT your intention is what helps you combine crystals or not. Crystals need something to do.
General Guidelines for Energizing and Calming Crystals:
When you are working out what you want to achieve with your crystal/s, it can be helpful to know whether your crystal has more of a energising or calming energy. It can get a little tricky, but there is a general guideline that you can follow when it comes to the colors:
- Warmer colors like red, orange and yellow, boost and energise. They are motivating colors. These sorts of color shades want to accelerate, make you want to move, get going and light the fire.
- Green will balance because it’s in between warm and cool. It can also be relatively soothing yet expansive in some instances.
- Cooler colors like light blue, indigo and violet will be more calming, soothing and/or spacey. These shades of colors generally call for peace and slowing down.
General Guidelines to Energize or Balance the Chakras:
Colors can also complement your chakras. This is helpful if you want to put together a powerful crystal combination that focuses on specific chakras.
Not every person will to need to energise their chakras and sometimes our chakra is chaotic so it’s more beneficial to cool down that excess energy.
If you want to energise your chakras, here is a general guideline (which we all know):
- Red stones (red jasper, garnet, ruby) for the root chakra.
- Orange stones (carnelian, sunstone, orange calcite) for the sacral chakra.
- Yellow stones (citrine, yellow aventurine, golden tiger eye) for the solar plexus chakra.
- Green stones (green aventurine, green fluorite, green tourmaline) for the heart chakra.
- Light blue stones (blue lace agate, blue calcite, blue kyanite) for the throat chakra.
- Indigo stones (sodalite, blue tourmaline, lapis lazuli) for the third eye chakra.
- Purple stones (lepidolite, amethyst, rainbow fluorite) for the crown chakra.

If you wanted to calm energy and provide more balance because it was too active or energised, here’s a general guideline:
- Green stones for the root chakra
- Light blue stones for the sacral chakra.
- Purple stones for the solar plexus.
- Red stones for the heart chakra. I also feel that pink stones like rose quartz will calm the energy.
- Orange stones for the throat chakra.
- Yellow or orange stones for the third eye chakra like carnelian or citrine. Heat treated citrine would work well for this in my opinion.
- Yellow for the crown chakra.
In conclusion
All crystals can work together and intention plays a big part when it comes to crystals for your healing journey. Being more familiar with your stone’s energy can help you form your intention and build combinations if you wanted to. Ultimately, only you can work out if a combination is suitable for you or not.
Lastly, you don’t need to use, carry or wear a numerous amount of crystals for it to be a good, powerful combination.
Can this crystal work with that crystal?
Yes, all crystals can work together but for your healing journey to ensure their energies don’t clash for you personally, look at your intention!!! I am no longer answering comments as to whether certain crystals can be combined or not.
Can you tell me if I can combined these two (or more crystals)?
No, you need to decide that for yourself. Consider if the energies may clash and if so, get intentional with what you want to achieve with each stone. Stop looking for an answer outside of yourself and begin working with your crystals in order to learn them and how they work together. I am no longer answering comments as to whether certain crystals can be combined or not.
Are there bad crystal combinations?
No, only combinations that are bad for you which you’ll figure out once you work with your crystals and pay attention to how they effect you. There is no rule book for what crystals do and do not go together. Bad can refer to feeling drained, agitated or perhaps more anxious when working with certain combinations.
More Information and Part 2 for Powerful Crystal Combinations
If you want to use your crystals for different intentions (each one their own intention/job) or use a combination of crystals for one intention, then read this post as to how you can do that: Crystal Combinations 2.0 and Our Intentions
If you’re looking to combine crystals based on specific intentions such as energy, stress relief, protection, manifesting, grounding, and more; then visit this post: Crystal Combinations. Alternatively, pay for a Crystal Reading consult with me if you don’t know what crystals are suitable for you.
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