How to sense and feel crystal energy is a topic coming up often. I’ve noticed a trend that many feel if they can’t feel the energy then something is wrong with them. If you feel like there is something wrong with you because you cannot feel crystal energy, I’m here to tell you – BULLSHIT! There’s nothing wrong with you and here’s why:
When it comes to energy, there is no right or more better way to experience it. The best thing is that we can all experience crystal energy! How to sense and feel crystal energy can be broken up into 2 sections for me:
- Your sending and receiving hands: Most people can feel energy in one of their hands more strongly than the other.
- Your clairs: If you cannot FEEL the energy, you may be able to experience it in another way. This I feel is sometimes taken for granted.
How to Sense and Feel Crystal Energy with your Sending and Receiving hands:
Now MOST people can feel energy in their hands because we have lil chakras in our hands which are huge receptors. Generally your sending hand is the hand you write with BUT this can vary from person to person.
Your receiving hand receives energy inwards and your sending hand is the hand that directs the energy outwards.

Determining Which is Which:
Hold a cleared/cleansed crystal in your right hand for about a minute and then take note of any sensations you felt in your hand. Repeat this with your left hand. Now in which hand did you feel the MOST sensation/activity? THAT, is your receiving hand.
Crystals I’d recommend for this exercise: Clear Quartz, Garnet, Hematite. I can clearly feel the energy better in my receiving hand when I use one of these three crystals. This may differ for you.
If you can determine this, then guess what, you just felt some crystal energy 😉
Now you can go further if you’d like. Hold a crystal point in your receiving hand with the point directed at your sending hand, and start to draw little clockwise circles at your hand. You should start to feel some sort of difference. If you don’t, don’t stress too much because you’ve already proven that you can feel SOMETHING by working out your receiving hand. Here’s a great video by Ashley from the Love and Light School that explains this SO well:
Learning about the Different Senses:
If you can’t feel energy, you have 5 other senses you can try out! Because guess what? You have 6 senses and feeling is only one of them. Some people never see OR feel energy but they KNOW something is different, OR they can hear, smell, see or taste a difference.
Keep this in mind when you work with crystals:
- See the energy (Clairvoyance): Close your eyes, can you see anything differently? I have seen colours when working with crystals and people. This is often how my guides work with me because I am a visual person.
- Hear the energy (Clairaudience): Yeah some people can hear energy! Sometimes their ears buzz when working with crystals.
- Smell the energy (Clairalience): A good example I have of this is what Geraldine taught me and that is “Have you ever stepped into a room and the energy just smelt funny? That is energy you’re smelling.“
- Taste the energy (Clairgustance): Sometimes you can taste a difference too. Now this is not something that has ever happened to me so I cannot speak from experience. Perhaps you work with a certain crystal, like Citrine and taste candy that you loved – that could very well be tasting energy.
- Feel the energy (Clairsentience): when it comes to feeling the energy, it’s important to take note of your WHOLE body. You can feel energy all over and within your whole body. It’s a huge canvas!
- Have a inner knowing (Claircognizance ): As I mentioned above, some people never see or feel energy, but they have an inner knowing about crystal energy. They will just know what it can be used for or how that energy feels, if it’s fiery, uplifting or happy, etc.
If you want to work out what your strongest sense is, I would recommend meditating with a cleared/cleansed crystal and observe what you see, hear, taste, feel, know and smell. Do this for about 5 minutes and JUST observe. Afterwards, write down your findings for about two weeks. Longer is better, but you should begin to notice a pattern after 2 weeks. That is a good starting point.
It upsets me immensely when people think that something is wrong with them because they can’t feel or see energy. There is NOTHING wrong with you. If someone tells you that, slap them silly with a wet fish! How to sense and feel crystal energy IS simple. The thing is that we can all experience it but HOW we experience it, is unique to us.
Join the discussion on my blog and leave a comment telling me how you experience energy? Which is your strongest sense or clair? While we’re at it, tell me about your sending and receiving hands too!
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