The Power of Pain

Every week my senior pup and I do a card pull for the week on my IG stories and the card she pulled this week echoed my experience with my back pain healing that I was on the fence about sharing. After her card pull I thought it was the perfect “YES” to talk about the power of pain.

Quila's card pull for the week is a mermaid card titled "wait" from Doreen Virtue's "Magical Mermaids and Dolphins" oracle deck

The Power of (Back) Pain

In short, I had been dealing with some hectic back pain for a whilte. It comes and goes so I never do anything about it. When Floki recently joined the family, it had become extremely unbearable for me. My hubby swore by his chiro and urged me to go, so an appointment was made.

I didn’t know what to expect and the doc did extensive work on my lower back which left me feeling tender for the next few days. On one of those particular days, when I was working in the lounge to keep an eye on Floki, I discovered that the couch is a horrible seat which only brought excruciating pain.

Frantically worried I had undone the chiro’s work and being in excruciating pain, I went into a healing session for myself.

I went to my guides, who I call my galactic federation (what Krista Mitchell calls the Luminous ones) and asked them what stones I could use for the pain, inflammation, and whatever to fix what was going on.

My guide looked at me quizzically, put their hand on mine and said “No, Siobhan. You’re in a frantic state, you cannot sense things clearly.” They pulled me in and hugged me tight. From here, everyone around the half-moon table stood up from their seats, and began to surround me. Some placed their hands on my back, some on my shoulders, and others just stood around until we were one big ball of light.

I thought a healing session is what I needed. What I needed wasn’t an instant fix, but more the comfort and calm that I received.

The remainder of my day went a lot better after I moved off of the couch onto a sturdier chair. The next day I saw the chiro for my follow up appointment, and all went well. He worked deeper into my lower back, gave me homework and I left feeling well again.

The power of pain and surrendering instead of fixing

The Power of Pain and Surrender

When you’re in pain, or a tight and tense spot, you really want it to go away immediately. You’re so uncomfortable that you’ll do just about anything to feel ease again.

However, what if instead of an instant fix, you actually need to move through the pain, get help outside of yourself and support yourself so you are not doing the same things that caused the pain in the first place. In my case this was working closely with my chiro, following his guidance/homework, and setting up spots for work that support my body.

We’re so ingrained to want things to shift or ease instantly, but life rarely works that way. When we move through it day by day, there is a sense of betterment and ease.

The healing session with my guides didn’t look how I thought it would. I expected to do a full healing session with crystals for my body. It wasn’t what I needed at that time. What I needed was to be enveloped in comfort, understanding for the hurt I was in, calm, and love. It was that peace that was so profoundly healing when I was in a frantic and pained state.

Have you ever been in a state where it was better for you to simply surrender instead of frantically fixing?

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