
Author: Siobhan

  • A Mandala Tribute to our Late Pitbull, Bjorn

    A Mandala Tribute to our Late Pitbull, Bjorn

    7 Minute Read

    I want to share with you the story of how the mandala tribute for our late pitbull, Bjorn was created. For many who follow me on Instagram, you will know of Bjorn as I always shared photos of him and his adventures in my stories. I haven’t shared this story though. It’s not a happy one but there is a happy ending so grab a cup of tea or coffee and strap in for the ride.

    The Story of Bjorn

    Bjorn only a few months old sleeping on my lap wrapped in my grey gown

    Bjorn would have been 5 this year. He was born around February 14 in 2019 and he came to us in April of that same year. I had been volunteering for the local animal shelter’s charity shop for a little while and we got news that a litter of pitbull puppies were picked up. The mother had passed away and the puppies were living in a box, severely malnourished. The shelter was only looking for fosters at the time, but Gideon fell in love with Bjorn. He was a foster fail because there was no way we were going to let him go to a home other than our own.

    He was so full of life and joy, always making us laugh. There was always time for the love he wanted to give as he was the most affectionate dog. There was never a cuddle or kiss he turned down. I’ve had a lot of dogs in my life, but never one like Bjorn that’s for sure.

    Bjorn’s Favourite Things

    Some of Bjorn’s favourite things were bananas, getting a bite of sausage when Gideon would braai (BBQ), and going to the ocean. I remember how he would jump out of the window of the car the moment he saw water and he’d just run into the waves like it was his only mission in life. It was also almost next to impossible to get him back in the car when we wanted to leave!

    Losing Bjorn

    In December of 2023, Bjorn got sick. We were going through a hectic heatwave at the time and he was never one to show he was sick or injured. Even if we went walking and he got a thorn in his foot, he’d continue walking and pretend it wasn’t there.

    He just seemed off someway and we decided to take him to the vet in case something was indeed wrong. He was diagnosed with Ehrlichia, a form of tickbite fever. The vet however was optimistic as he was young, had never had tickbite fever before, and it seemed like we caught it very early. She gave us a course of action and medication, and we went home.

    Sadly, he steadily declined and he passed away just before Christmas.

    He brought so much light and life into our lives the 4 years we had him. When he left us, we could really feel the emptiness and lack of him in our world. I personally think that one of the hardest things I learnt about grief is that space which is left behind when a loved one dies. You then need to adjust to a world with that gap of space in it. Nothing fills it. Your world doesn’t necessary get darker, but it feels emptier or lesser in a sense, even when/if your life is full.

    If you are going through something similar and you are looking for crystal support, take a look at crystals for grief. I’d also tell you to work with whatever speaks to you even if it isn’t one of those crystals. The support we need during times of grief is unique to each of us.

    Mandala Tribute for our late Pitbull, Bjorn

    The Original Mandala I Created for Him

    During the time Bjorn was sick and after he passed, I couldn’t find myself in a space to work with crystals deeply or to draw simply for my own peace. What was bringing me light during that time was that I had been spending time drawing memorial pet mandalas for friends.

    Looking back, my art style changed a lot when he was busying transitioning to the next life. He was already sick when I was doing these pieces for my friends. Being able to do their creations is what helped me cope during that December month. It was healing to me. I feel like he was the catalyst that birthed these type of mandalas through me. It’s bittersweet that not only did he leave me with his beautiful memories, but also the inspo to draw mandalas like this. For that I’m always grateful.

    It wasn’t until late January, when I decided that I wanted to draw something for and of him. I figured I’d start with the original mandala I drew for him on his birthday in 2023:

    Then came the harder part: picking a photo of him for the mandala. This took me a little time and I went back and forth on so many of his photos. I kept coming back to the particular photo I settled on for his piece. It’s probably not his best or cutest photo, but I kept coming back to it.

    The Mandala Tribute for Bjorn

    A mandala tribute to our late pitbull Bjorn

    The mandala tribute to Bjorn is a little different than what I normally create. Usually I let my intuition guide me when it comes to colour usage in the background. For his piece, I used the same colours in his coat to create the bokeh lights behind him.

    Would you believe me if I told you that it took me 6 months to finish this drawing of and for him? I couldn’t believe it, but it did. I started in January and finished in June of this year (2024). I’ve only been able to face working on his project when I felt strong enough to do it. Another thing that grief taught me is that time is bendy when you lose someone. Sometimes it feels like ages have passed and other times it feels like it was just yesterday. It’s this in-between space I suppose. I’d have never said this took 6 months because I swore I started on it a month or two ago.

    The Light of a Soul Pet

    We got to spend the whole of Bjorn’s lifetime with him, and for that we are blessed. Short in human years but one of quality. I say this fondly, but it’s like that when it comes to pets isn’t it?

    A term I recently discovered was “soul pet”. It’s meant to be that almost bluetooth-like connection you have with a pet that links to the very depths of your soul. This really resonated with me because I think Bjorn was really a dog of the soul.

    I want to tell you that if you’ve been in that space of losing a pet, then you know that it can be a difficult time. No one can ever replace the space your pet took in your heart, soul, and life.

    Many people think or say that it’s “just a pet” but no matter who you’ve lost, be it a human loved one or your beloved pet, it’s valid. You’re allowed to and should grieve when you lose a pet. You lost someone who filled your heart and soul with light and happiness.

    If you’ve lost a beloved pet, I’d love to hear some of your memories in the comments. This is a safe space to share that precious experience.

  • A Heart Adventure with Charoite

    A Heart Adventure with Charoite

    This is the story of my heart adventure with Charoite. We start at the very beginning because I’ve had quite a ride with charoite and it’s only just begun…

    Meeting Charoite for the first time – my

    different buyer’s experience

    I hadn’t told anyone yet of the stone that was occupying my thoughts and living rent free in my mind. I’d see posts of it online and I’d find myself thinking about it often. When I looked online for a piece to purchase, I found quite a few. Every piece of charoite that I looked at was spectacular, but nothing spoke to me. I thought maybe I was crazy and that this was just an obsession, like a certain food I can eat daily until I’m sick of it, so I decided to get creative and directly go to the source. It was Krista Mitchell who taught me that you can do this.

    I wasn’t entirely sure how this adventure and journey would go as I had no plan or map, but I was open to it unfolding and letting happen whatever happens. I was able to meet with the spirit of Charoite. We had a lengthy chat and it shared that when I stopped consciously looking, it would cross paths with me and that it would happen unexpectedly, not because I was seeking it out forcefully. We also spoke about Turquoise but of course I didn’t journal about this specifically as I couldn’t remember much. It’s a chapter that I can and will revisit in the future.

    While it wasn’t profound what it shared with me, it was true. I had been forcefully looking and trying to make something happen instead of letting it flow. It was a reminder I much needed to hear.

    You may wonder if I ever did purchase a piece of charoite. I did. One day I was going through posts of a store I enjoy, simply to kill time while waiting, and I found a piece which did speak to me. At that very point in time, I couldn’t purchase it but I held faith that if it was meant to be then it would be available for me month end. It was, and thus Harry (the name we settled on) came home to me.

    Siobhan holding the charoite she purchased and on it is two googly eyes to make a face on the stone

    My Heart Adventure with Charoite Harry

    When it arrived, I gave it a good cleanse with the intention of putting it away until the weekend when I could work with it for an extended amount of time. What ride it was and I’m happy I took the time to wait those few days.

    Before going into journey with charoite, I expected that it would tell me what I already know: stimulates the third eye, opens the crown chakra; that sort of thing. I thought maybe it would open up those channels better so I could channel my mandalas differently. As always, I go into these things open and ready to listen and learn. What I know, may not be what the stone wants to tell me anyway. Let your stone lead you because it may surprise you (it will probably surprise you!)

    Our Journey

    During our journey together, it showed me the 3 chakras which would light up (respond well) to working with it. Some I wasn’t surprised by, namely my third eye and crown chakra, but what I didn’t expect was for my heart chakra to light up. That seemed odd to me. What was even more unexpected was that of all 3 chakras, my heart chakra was far more brightly lit than the other 2. I got the distinct sense and answer that this would be a stone for my heart.

    At the time, I only journaled about this experience and a few days later, I came across this beautiful reel on Instagram:

    Charoite has always, in my opinion, had the most beautiful patterning. I have loved its appearance for years because it feels like a work of art to me. It reminds me so much of Da Vinci’s Starry Night that I like to call charoite the crystal starry night.

    A tear drop shaped charoite cabochon with beautiful purple, cream and black swirls and coloring

    And how incredible is it that charoite’s patterning looks incredibly similar to heart (cardiac) muscle cells?

    Light micrograph of striated muscle fibres from human heart myocardium.
    Light micrograph of striated muscle fibres from human heart myocardium. The cardiac myocytes have a single central nucleus, striated myofibrils and are joined to each other by intercalated discs. Near the nucleus, there are many yellow lipofuscin granules, a sign of elderly tissue. Source: Source: Science Photo Library

    Crystals will surprise you like that. There’s always space to explore, chapters to read, learn, and write. If you’re open to it, they’ll show you incredible things.

    I’m sure that if I looked online, I would probably/definitely find information on how charoite can influence the heart space and chakra. Maybe I’d even have found a reel or a repost like the one above too, but I prefer to remain open and do further research when I receive the prompt or call to. I want to let things unfold as they must instead of forcing it. As I type that, I giggle because wasn’t that the initial message Charoite had for me anyway?

    I want to let charoite guide me and tell me how it can best support me in this way. This is of course another chapter that it has left open for me to explore with it. Isn’t that exciting?

    If you let your crystals guide you, do you think you could be open to what it has to share with you even if it’s outside of what you know? Maybe you too will have a heart adventure with charoite or the very crystal you carry in your pocket!

  • The Power of Pain

    The Power of Pain

    Every week my senior pup and I do a card pull for the week on my IG stories and the card she pulled this week echoed my experience with my back pain healing that I was on the fence about sharing. After her card pull I thought it was the perfect “YES” to talk about the power of pain.

    Quila's card pull for the week is a mermaid card titled "wait" from Doreen Virtue's "Magical Mermaids and Dolphins" oracle deck

    The Power of (Back) Pain

    In short, I had been dealing with some hectic back pain for a whilte. It comes and goes so I never do anything about it. When Floki recently joined the family, it had become extremely unbearable for me. My hubby swore by his chiro and urged me to go, so an appointment was made.

    I didn’t know what to expect and the doc did extensive work on my lower back which left me feeling tender for the next few days. On one of those particular days, when I was working in the lounge to keep an eye on Floki, I discovered that the couch is a horrible seat which only brought excruciating pain.

    Frantically worried I had undone the chiro’s work and being in excruciating pain, I went into a healing session for myself.

    I went to my guides, who I call my galactic federation (what Krista Mitchell calls the Luminous ones) and asked them what stones I could use for the pain, inflammation, and whatever to fix what was going on.

    My guide looked at me quizzically, put their hand on mine and said “No, Siobhan. You’re in a frantic state, you cannot sense things clearly.” They pulled me in and hugged me tight. From here, everyone around the half-moon table stood up from their seats, and began to surround me. Some placed their hands on my back, some on my shoulders, and others just stood around until we were one big ball of light.

    I thought a healing session is what I needed. What I needed wasn’t an instant fix, but more the comfort and calm that I received.

    The remainder of my day went a lot better after I moved off of the couch onto a sturdier chair. The next day I saw the chiro for my follow up appointment, and all went well. He worked deeper into my lower back, gave me homework and I left feeling well again.

    The power of pain and surrendering instead of fixing

    The Power of Pain and Surrender

    When you’re in pain, or a tight and tense spot, you really want it to go away immediately. You’re so uncomfortable that you’ll do just about anything to feel ease again.

    However, what if instead of an instant fix, you actually need to move through the pain, get help outside of yourself and support yourself so you are not doing the same things that caused the pain in the first place. In my case this was working closely with my chiro, following his guidance/homework, and setting up spots for work that support my body.

    We’re so ingrained to want things to shift or ease instantly, but life rarely works that way. When we move through it day by day, there is a sense of betterment and ease.

    The healing session with my guides didn’t look how I thought it would. I expected to do a full healing session with crystals for my body. It wasn’t what I needed at that time. What I needed was to be enveloped in comfort, understanding for the hurt I was in, calm, and love. It was that peace that was so profoundly healing when I was in a frantic and pained state.

    Have you ever been in a state where it was better for you to simply surrender instead of frantically fixing?

  • The Energy of Dyed and Enhanced Crystals

    The Energy of Dyed and Enhanced Crystals

    It’s said that the energy of dyed and enhanced crystals is none. Is that true though when everything is energy and energy cannot be destroyed? I have a slightly different opinion I want to bring to the table…
    the energy of dyed and altered crystals

    The energy of everything in creation

    If everything is energy, and energy cannot be destroyed, then to say that a dyed or altered crystal has no energy isn’t technically correct.

    So here’s what I think:

    Dyed or altered stones such as heat treated citrine, carnelian, smokey quartz and others I don’t know of, either have:

    1. such a lower vibration that some of us cannot pick that up at anymore/at all so it feels dead, OR
    2. we are simply not drawn to it at all so it doesn’t work for us.

    If you are not drawn to something, that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t have energy or power. It may just have that for someone else.

    And if something has a lower vibration that it can not be felt or experienced by you in some way or other, that also doesn’t mean that someone else cannot experience it at all, or even experience it high vibrational.

    Back to energy…

    Everyone experiences energy differently. It’s time that we stop saying things have no energy or power simply because we aren’t drawn to it and/or it’s vibration isn’t on the same wavelength as ours.

    Instead of tainting people with our own preferences and experiences, we could encourage them to find what works for them and their energy, with the right info such as:
    • This citrine is technically purple amethyst which has been heat treated.
    • This carnelian could be heat treated to enhance its colour or dyed agate (a whole other topic).
    • This aura quartz is fake because it’s sprayed with teflon. Real aura quartz is quartz with metals that are molecularly bonded to the quartz.
    • This turquoise is actually reconstituted so there’s a little turquoise there but it’s mixed with plastics or resin.
    • This goldstone is glass with copper particles and copper also has metaphysical properties. Perhaps that is what you’re drawn to or not.
    I could go on and on but you get the picture now…

    Allow people to experience and work with crystals that are on the same wavelength as them and which they are drawn to. Who are we to dictate what is and what isn’t for someone else?

    I hope that this post inspires you to think about a different perspective not often spoken of. We’ve accepted that dyed means dead instead of dead to me which is a valid truth, but not the only truth.

  • Are Raw Crystals More Powerful than Tumbled Stones?

    Are Raw Crystals More Powerful than Tumbled Stones?

    Today I want to chat about whether raw crystals are more powerful than tumbled stones, and if so, why! It’s something that so many folks wonder and ask me about. It’s a good thing to think about but don’t let it trip you up when crystal shopping.

    What are Raw Crystals?

    Raw Crystals, also called Natural Crystals, have a natural appearance that isn’t altered in any way or form. After being mined, they are generally cleaned up but they are not cut or polished in any way.

    What are Tumbled Stones?

    Tumbled stones are tumbled using a tumbler, rotary machine with water and different polishing grit. They can be tumbled in a round barrel or a vibratory device can be used to shake the stones at rapid speeds until it reaches the desired appearance. It takes much time to tumble stones so it’s a very lengthy process. It’s incredibly fascinating to watch people do this and see the results each time.

    Video from Maqaroon on YouTube.

    Their Energies

    All crystals have energy and certain shapes can alter and enhance the energy. This isn’t negative at all.

    Raw crystals have a more potent energy. They are straight from the earth, aren’t altered in any way and carry that potency. Generally this is the case with natural stones. If you know that you need a push to do it, a raw crystal may be the perfect companion.

    Tumbled stones have more of a gentle energy. The way they get their tumbled appearance lends to their energy which is softer. They’re also more “user friendly” for beginners and some others. If you are very sensitive to crystal energies, you may enjoy working with tumbled stones. Just like raw crystals, they also offer the needed push, but in a gentle manner that builds up over time.

    What I personally love about tumbles is that there’s always a range to choose from and they’re generally so affordable. They’re also fantastic for carrying on you. Anyone who sleeps with or carries their crystals will tell you that natural stones don’t work well in the pillowcase, or the bra. Ouchie!

    Raw Crystals More Powerful than Tumbled Stones

    Are Raw Crystals more Powerful than Tumbles?

    Raw crystals can be just as gentle as tumbled stones. Take a look at Celestite: it has a soft and gentle energy. It’s not always easy to obtain a tumbled piece but big and small pieces are easy to come by. The natural crystals can be just as gentle as the tumble stone’s energy.

    Tumbled stones can be just as powerful as natural stones and they are powerful in their own right. Take a look at Ruby: it has quite a powerful energy but a tumble is easier to afford than gemstone ruby or a natural piece with record keepers. Aquamarine is another example. Natural rods are expensive and a tumble may be more accessible if you wanted to work with its energy. As tumbles, they can still be as powerful and potent as their natural counterparts.

    For me Selenite is the perfect example of natural and tumbled power. Whether you work with a large Selenite rod or a tumbled stone, you still get that powerful, purifying energy in a gentle way.

    Your budget is also an important factor. Not everyone can afford a lavish Amethyst Cathedral but most can afford a tumble, raw point or cluster. Both forms are powerful in their own right.

    You’ll find that the same instance applies to whether Higher Grade Crystals are More Powerful than Lower Grade Ones.

    In Conclusion

    Are raw crystals more powerful than tumbled stones? Yes and no. Neither is better than the other one and each can be powerful in its own right. Work with what you’re drawn to as much as you’re able to. If your budget allows you to spend more and you want to work with more expensive natural piece, do it. If your budget doesn’t allow that, there is no shame in that. You can still be a powerful healer in your own right. It’s not the size, price, quantity, natural or tumbled that counts. It’s the work you do and the work you do with your stones that counts *wink*

  • Crystals for Beginners

    Crystals for Beginners

    There are so many folks who are finding themselves drawn to crystals but have no idea what crystals are for beginners or which to start with. Let’s dive into that!

    Let me start off by saying that all crystals can indeed be perfect for beginners. If you are intuitively drawn to a specific stone, get it. More often than not, you’ll find that it resonates with your energy and can support you in some way.

    Some Reasons Beginners are Drawn to Crystals

    We are drawn to crystals because they’re pretty. That’s how they attract us. They say that like attracts like, and perhaps on a deeper level, our own soul beauty is drawn to their beauty, and visa versa.

    I was drawn to their beauty when I was experiencing so much negativity, anxiety and zero confidence in my life. Most of that from my own doing but these are the things you learn as you grow.

    A lot of beginners who come onto the crystal path are also struggling with so much negativity and want better protection. Some are looking to find love or are learning to love themselves again. Others are seeking to get back their confidence and power and go after the things that bring them joy. Many want to use crystals specifically for manifestation. And there are many more reasons.

    Crystals for Beginners

    Favorite Crystals for Beginners

    There are so many crystals that are suitable for beginners and all crystals are beginner friendly. These are my favorites that address some common challenges and/or are just great to start with.

    Clear Quartz for its flexibility and amplification. If you had no other stones in your collection except Clear Quartz, you’d be fine because of how flexible this stone is. You’re able to use Clear Quartz for any intention and it can support you with anything under the sun. The only limit to Clear Quartz is your imagination. Word of caution: if you’re in a dark space, try limiting your work with Clear Quartz. It can amplify that feeling.

    Rose Quartz for love and forgiveness. Known mostly for it’s love properties, I’ve always felt that Rose Quartz is more than attracting love or a partner into your life. Yes, it’s great for that, but it’s also wonderful for learning to love yourself. Also, it supports forgiveness on all levels, even if it’s yourself that you need to forgive.

    Selenite for cleansing and purification. If you’re working on getting rid of negativity in your life then this is a great one to combine with your protection stone. Use it to clear your aura, body and mind of negativity after a long day. It’s also a great for connecting to spirit guides, plus it’s incredibly comforting to have when you’re going through challenges.

    Smokey Quartz for grounding. I’ve found it to have a great earthy connection and that’s why it’s fabulous for grounding and connecting with the earth. Being grounded is incredibly important in spiritual work. Being up in the clouds all the time isn’t going to serve you in the long run. Smokey Quartz is light enough energetically but strong enough to keep you grounded regularly. Also, great to pair with Rose Quartz for forgiveness work as it supports letting go.

    Labradorite for protection. Highly protective and shielding but also great for connecting with your own inner magic. Also, it’s stunning and easy to fall in love with. Labradorite is my first choice for protection. It’s always been easier for me to work with it for protection, than the popular choice of Black Tourmaline.

    Amethyst for the mind. Overall it’s pretty healing, just like Clear Quartz but I love Amethyst for it’s mental abilities. It is great for the brain, mind, and intuition, but also protective on that level. If you’re also working on negative thoughts and self-talk, Amethyst will support you to pinpoint and work on that too.

    Golden Tiger Eye for happiness, confidence and supporting manifesting. Not only for that, but for protection too. Manifesting and manifestation are trendy words and actions these days around money. Golden Tiger Eye does support that but it’s a great stone to support you on your path to going for what you want with confidence and fire!

    Lepidolite for relaxation and relief. Perfect for when there is so much going on and you are struggling to keep your head above water. Lepidolite is so soothing and calming. To me, it’s like a massage in a crystal form. When I first began working with crystals, I wish that I had worked with more grounding and relaxing stones. I was so busy all the time and falling over because I wasn’t thinking. A great one to bring back balance, especially when paired with a grounding stone.

    Some other stones you may consider include: Green Aventurine for growth, Carnelian for motivation and energy, or Sunstone to remain strong in your boundaries.

    All crystals can be suitable crystals for beginners depending on our own energy and what we are going through. It’s hard to choose when you’re a beginner and faced with so many crystals to choose from.

    This guide is only a guide and you should always trust your intuition when purchasing crystals. Always go with what you are attracted to.

    How to Use Crystals for Beginners

    Short and sweet: wear or carry them in your pocket or bra. This is the easiest way to work with crystals when you’re starting out. Not only is it comforting to have them so close to you, but it’s easy to build a relationship with your crystal and remember what you’re working on with your crystal.

    Once you get more intune with your crystal, your intuition and building your confidence with your crystals, you may want to experiment with other methods for using your crystals.

    In Conclusion

    There are many crystals for beginners which are suitable. It’s important to always trust your intuition when choosing a crystal, whether that’s from a guide like mine or when your shopping. Once you’ve selected one, work with it.

    There’s no rush to finding your first crystal, a method for working with it and experiencing shifts. Take your time and have fun!

  • Tips for Buying Crystals for Your Birthday

    Tips for Buying Crystals for Your Birthday

    “What the top crystals for your birthday is” – is not the easiest question for someone else to answer. To empower you, here is guidance for buying crystals for your birthday and new year to bring in all the good vibes!

    Your birthday is a good time to take stock of the year that’s past. Think about what you’ve achieved to celebrate that and think about what you didn’t achieve.

    Things you didn’t achieve which don’t align with you anymore, let them go. That space can be occupied with new energy! For the things you didn’t achieve but still want to strive for, get clear about it, so brainstorm steps you can take through the year. You also want to think about what you want this new chapter to look like for you. A lot of people do this at the start of every new year, but it works just as well for your birthday.

    Having direction for the new year can set the stage for choosing the top crystals for your birthday. It’s not a life or death matter if you don’t have very much direction, so don’t stress too much!

    Crystals for your birthday

    Tips for Choosing the Top Crystals for Your Birthday:

    Go to a crystal shop and let your intuition guide you. You an either take notes of the stones you’re drawn to or purchase those. When you get home, research those crystals! This is going to show you in what ways they resonate with you and your life. Look for common threads if there are any and journal about it to set up a theme or intention for yourself. Once you have that intention or theme of sorts, go further and create affirmations inspired by the crystals, how they can support you and your intention.

    If you have a word of the year or specific goals set up, look up crystals associated with that. I like to refer to my crystal books or HealingCrystals.com’s Common Conditions Guide for crystal suggestions. I look at images of the crystals suggested, and note down the ones that catch my eye. Then I go back through the ones that I liked and read up about them to see which are resonating with me. This is a great a starting point for choosing crystals for my birthday, new year or new chapter.

    Another route you can explore for birthday crystals are crystals based on your zodiac sign or birth month. Research the stones that are associated and see which you’re drawn to.

    Something important to mention about crystals and zodiac signs: Just because a crystal is not associated with your sign or birth month, it does not mean that you cannot work with it or have it. Zodiac associations are guidelines, except if that’s part of the crystal healing and astrology training you have received.

    Tips for Choosing Crystals for a Loved One’s Birthday

    If you have a loved one whose birthday is coming up, you can definitely follow the same route:

    • Going with your intuition and keeping them in mind when you make your selection/s when purchasing.
    • Asking them about what they need support with (love, confidence, motivation, new beginnings, etc.) and researching stones linked to that. Keep that person in mind when you’re choosing and purchasing the stones for your loved one.
    • Choosing stones based on their zodiac signs or birth months.

    NB: When it comes to choosing stones for a special someone, you can never go wrong with any selection because you’re buying it with love. Remember that. Trust your intuition and let love lead the way!

    What are some challenges you’ve come across when choosing crystals for your birthday? Let’s discuss it in the comments!