Free printable mandala coloring pages Aug 2018 is FINALLY out for Newsletter Subscribers! If you’ve missed it but would like to get this free coloring page, scroll down. I also get a lil intimate about the inspiration behind this month’s mandala.
July 2018 for me was about shattering all illusions and letting go of shit not working anymore. Sometimes we hold on so tightly to things not working. I think one unravels constantly but the difference is awareness. The more awareness there is, the less pain is involved I feel. You can see it, unravel it, love it, forgive it and then continue forward.
The Inspiration for August’s Mandala:
August is about Unity and the triangles my guides kept showing me when I asked about this mandala. This goes deeper than uniting the mind, body and spirit. To me it’s also about uniting all parts of yourself with yourself: your job, your relationships, everything. Sometimes we try to separate all the roles and it’s hard to do that. Sometimes you just can’t. You have to trust your intuition when it stretches out and then allow it to come back so you can unite yourself with yourself. Gosh, does that even make sense LOL!
Everything is part of you. You are a part of everything BUT there are some things that you’ve buried which deserve to come to the forefront, so unite those parts with your conscious self.

More about Unity:
Quantum Quattro is the crystal companion for this mandala. Why? It’s the perfect combination of copper based minerals (Dioptase, Shattuckite, Chrysocolla, Malachite) in Smokey Quartz. They all work together as one as all parts of YOU can/should.
Unity is a lot more simple than my past designs. I guess because it doesn’t need to be a complicated matter BUT while coloring it in or just viewing it, look at it and ask yourself the following:
- What isn’t forming a full circle within your life?
- What is standing on the outside?
- Is your mind or heart out of sync with your body, or each other?
- Is your heart speaking but the mind saying FUCK NO, so you don’t take action? – THIS one speaks a lot to me because I LOVE to listen to that mind of mine which can hold us back you know 😉
With all these cosmic energies upon us, there is a lot of change. It is the perfect opportunity to uniting parts you’ve discovered from unraveling 😉
How to Download the Free Printable Mandala Coloring Pages Aug 2018:

Click above to subscribe to my newsletter to receive August’s FREE mandala coloring page. Once downloaded, print it, colour it in and share it with me. I would love to see your work of art!! Previous month’s mandalas are available in my shop to purchase. Take a break, nurture your inner child and color in a little bit.
Join the discussion on my blog and let me know what you are deciding to unite within yourself?
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