
Author: Siobhan

  • Golden Tiger’s Eye Meditation

    Golden Tiger’s Eye Meditation

    I think that the best way to get to know a stone is to sit and meditate with it. Of course you can read many properties for the same stone in many, different books; but I find it quite nice to know what your stone is good for by getting to know it yourself.

    I can honestly say that I wasn’t entirely keen to meditate with Golden Tiger’s Eye because what I know of it I’ve brought from my childhood so I didn’t feel like it had anything to really tell me. My Gran always said Tiger’s Eye was lucky and over the years, I’ve heard things like “if you keep Tiger’s Eye in your wallet, you’ll never run out of money.”

    Anyway my spirit kept nagging me to sit with this bloody stone so I did and what I found is that my piece of Golden Tiger’s Eye was an interesting stone to meditate with. It is such a happy stone and I felt so good after meditating with it each time.
    I got to meet this stone’s guardian and it is a Lion. Ironically while browsing one day after this lion encounter, I happen to learn that Tiger’s Eye is a birthstone for Leo which as everyone knows is represented by the lion!
    The Lion taught me that Tiger’s Eye brings focused willpower and golden happiness. It brings warmth into a dark hole so it is great for depression.
    The Lion was such a joker and also many of my own comical moments and memories was brought to my awareness during meditation.

    How Golden Tiger’s Eye can be used for healing:

    With Golden Tiger’s eye being good for focused willpower, that means that if you need to focus on a project you’re not particularly keen on doing and procrastinating over, it will help you dig up some motivation to do it.

    I myself suffer from the big D word, Depression (sometimes I feel like it should be Dreaded depression and not Depression because the feelings it invokes can be dreaded) and the days I got to spend with this stone, really brought me more happiness. I felt a little less down and optimistic. Meditating with it, is going to assist you to bring more optimism and feel-good vibes into your environment.

    Being a yellow stone, it loves the Solar Plexus chakra so it’s also lekker (=lovely) for creativity, motivation and energising vibes.

    What have you found out about your Golden Tiger’s Eye? Is it a stone you are gravitating towards lately?

    Speak soon!

  • Yellow Jasper Meditation

    Yellow Jasper Meditation

    I wanted to share what I learnt while working with my Yellow Jasper egg during meditation.

    When I initially bought this crystal from Magic Minerals, my purpose was to buy Yellow Jasper because of the happiness vibes it promotes and being good to ward off depression.

    This crystal has an earthy vibe to it and I’m learning that many Jaspers do have good earth roots.

    I was privileged to meet its keeper, an Ascended Master who I think is an Asian man. He wears a yellow robe with orange cuffs. Now I’m not entirely sure if this is the guardian of my Yellow Jasper because my spirit guide is also an ascended master and Asian… so I’m wondering if he just “changed clothes” here to talk to me about this stone.

    He told me that the stone is very old but happy and strong like “strong tree”. I feel like there is connections to the Base Chakra even though this is a yellow stone which means it’s more suited for the Solar Plexus on the colour spectrum.

    I’ve also saw the words STRENGTHEN and ENERGISE during meditation. Being a warm stone with energising properties, it could aggregate your mind especially if it is very busy.

    How may Yellow Jasper help for healing?

    Now due to the colour of this stone, I can agree that it would promote happiness and feel-good vibes. For me happiness is linked very much to the Solar Plexus because for me that’s where the root of happiness lies – when you’re confident, honour your power, be creative. Your Solar Plexus pumps the energy of motivation into you.

    Yellow stones are warm stones so they are energising. If you need that boost of creativity or motivation, then Yellow Jasper could offer you that.

    It terms of strengthening, I’d say that Yellow Jasper is a good stone to strengthen your Solar Plexus and keep you grounded with its earthy vibe.

    There are of course many uses for Yellow Jasper apart from what I’ve mentioned but this is what I’ve learnt from my little egg.

    Have you worked with Yellow Jasper before and what has your experience been? Is this a stone that you gravitate towards?

    Speak soon!!

  • Crystal Facials

    Crystal Facials

    A little about crystal facials that I do! It is one of the first treatments I developed while studying and it’s one that seems like nothing but means a lot to me personally.

    Crystal facial tools:

    • Rose quartz to soothe the skin and heal,
    • Citrine to energize the skin,
    • Selenite wand for gentle healing,
    • Jade Roller,
    • Sodalite on the throat chakra to balance and harmonize this chakra.

    Crystal Facial Tools

    The Jade roller I use after working with the energy from the crystals to stimulate the skin, reduce puffiness, increase blood flow and it’s good for lymphatic drainage. Jade is known for its incredible healing energy, especially for the skin.

    Crystal Facial in session with Jade Roller

    This isn’t like a facial you would go for with a beautician because I do not use any products on your skin. All I use is mother nature’s products aka crystals.

    Generally, we are thinking, worrying or stressing about something most of the time during our day and that energy has to go somewhere – it is stored up in the head right? If you’re storing a lot of energy there, what do you think this is doing to your skin? EXACTLY! It is no good AT ALL!

    Not only can excess energy in the head manifest physically has a headache, it also has an aging and tiring effect on the skin.

    Crystal Facials help to release that energy and it also puts in some good energy to a part of our body that we don’t always pay a lot of attention to but yet use 100% of the time. Yes even when we are sleeping!

    Are you going to be 50 years younger from one session? NO! But you are going to feel a lot better getting rid of excess energy and you’re going to have a good glow.

  • Mindvalley Masterclass with John Assaraf

    Last night I took part in the masterclass with John Assaraf “Winning the game of Money” and while not much of the money bits stuck with me. There were a few beautiful points that struck me. I’ll share that with you.

    John says that the 2 main functions of the brain are:

    1. Safety – physically and emotionally
    2. Conservation of energy

    Sometimes we get stuck in life. We all do, like me stuck in a job I am unhappy in and we tend to keep repeating these patterns because we are not really mindful about what is going on. We also don’t really take action and just leave because as miserable as we are, it is comfortable here to repeat the same pattern and we don’t need to do anything out of the ordinary so we are conserving energy too! And obviously, we always say we are unhappy but we don’t do anything about it and that’s why we get stuck.

    We get all motivated and we are going to do all these things but then nothing really happens so the brain gets bored and we stop trying which is great for the brain because we have now remained safe and we are conserving energy. We don’t have outside factors of what if this fails, what if I’m not good enough so we just stay inside the unhappy bubble.

    We are all these acorns with the potential inside of us but we don’t do anything.

    He explains that it takes 100 days to retrain the brain and he shared an awesome technique of the 4 R’s to help you along your way.

    • Recognise: recognise what is going on in your life.
    • Reframe: reframe what is happening and I’ll give you an example: In the past, I felt like I had to fix everything for everyone but that is not me anymore and I am learning how to put up boundaries. Reframe your beliefs and feelings so that the brain can learn that this isn’t you anymore.
    • Release: Release what no longer serves you. Where is that belief coming from. I’ll give you another example: I believe that all rich people are selfish and would rather have someone else do things for them than do it themselves and they treat people like things (this is why I keep encountering these people and probably pushes money away from me because I can’t just use people like things.)
    • Retrain: Retrain you brain by doing the above and stay focused because it takes 100 days for your brain to adopt your new belief.

    Your implicit beliefs (those at the back that you’ve held since forever that are sort of hidden often) should not overpower your explicit beliefs (those that you believe you are more worthy of and what you want to achieve). You got to use that fear that most implicit beliefs are built of to fuel you and not let it stop you from doing something.

    It’s no point that you are spiritually awesome but emotionally, mentally and physically you are rotten. All 4 levels must match and remember that mental is super important!

    Your thoughts create your emotions and it’s our feelings that we ATTACH to those emotions that can be negative.

    For me, it was sort of eye-opening. I stayed in my last job for over a year and really broke myself to make OTHER people happy and then I got another job and sort of fell into the same pattern because I am too comfortable to sort things out for other people – it’s the same pattern, just in another town.

    And yes it is ALL me, no judgement. I see it now that I fell into the same pattern because I never BREAK the pattern.

  • Spirit Guide messages with my Wolf

    I did two free readings with Yamile Yemoonyah some time ago and this is my notes and thoughts about the first one with my wolf who I’ve just named Sasha (who’ve I’ve now discovered prefers Na-Ilah).

    Sasha is a black wolf who I met in a past life when I was lost in the woods. When she came upon me I wasn’t afraid so she veered closer wondering why on earth this human was not afraid of her and eventually being close enough, I started to pet her. (I’ve had a dream before of this scene being lost in the woods and coming across a wolf I was unafraid of which I thought was super fascinating). Apparently her spirit fell in love with mine there and she’s been with me ever since and will be with me until my last breath in this lifetime. I also saved her from someone who was trying to kill her by distracting them somehow.

    Unclear bits (there are bits I can remember from the reading which I’ll provide clarity on once I’ve listened to the recording again): ● There’s a cave involved with sort of cave paintings involved. ● France or America is involved – supposedly a past life I’ve lived in one of these countries. ● Her pups often play around me and my surroundings so often if things are not where they’ve been it is because they were nearby playing.

    Message she brings me is to not fear my “enemy” but to rather send them love and light which will turn them toward me and love me instead of wanting to hurt me.

    (Yamile does free spirit guide readings once a week at different times to try cater to everyone on the planet who wants a free reading. You can check it out past readings on her website if you’re curious.

  • What I learnt from Joost van der Westhuizen

    By now, everyone knows that Joost suffered from ALS and that there is no known cure for this so he (and everyone else) knew this would eventually lead to his demise.

    I know so many people say that he’s now at peace and happier because it’s for the better. I don’t doubt that Joost had horrible days where he wished he’d rather die, BUT I think this was a man that accepted what was and decided to not let it get to him. He was only human so granted he had shit days, shitter than our shit days.

    BUT I think that Joost sort of embraced what happened. He didn’t run from it. He LIVED life! The doctors told him that he probably wouldn’t live longer than 2 years (reportedly) and he decided otherwise. This man looked happy even in his end days. I know he was deteriorating and you could SEE it as well as HEAR it when he spoke BUT he looked happy.

    What I learn from Joost, not that I personally knew him is to accept what life throws at you. Yes you may by all means not like it, but accept it.

    Joost probably had such a strong base chakra because life hit him with a MOERSE blow and this guy was like ok well I’m going to live life and still make memories.

    The wind blew gales and Joost’s tree stood there in the wind moving and adjusting as he must so as to keep growing and living.

    He found happiness. He said no to sitting there and dying and yes to living – that’s so courageous! His Solar Plexus chakra probably was a beam of light because he found the willpower to KEEP going!